Additional Positions
Freshman CRSB Rep:
Frazier Patterson
Sophomore CRSB Rep:
Allie Knuckles
Junior CRSB Rep:
Larrysa Lankhamdeng
Senior CRSB Rep:
Alana Klein
Accreditation Chair:
Alex Tidswell
Alumnae Chair:
Sam Taylor
Assistant Collegiate Recruitment Information Chair (CRIC):
Coley Shachtman
Assistant VP Facility Operations
Abbey Fryza
Assistant VP Finance:
Abbey Fryza
Assistant VP Finance: Receipts and Billing:
Frann Sabino
Assistant VP Intellectual Development (ID):
Gabi Rodriguez
Assistant VP New Member Education:
Alana Klein
Assistant VP Philanthropy Internal/External:
Larrysa Lankhamdeng
Assistant VP PR and Marketing:
Kate Henderson
Assistant VP Recruitment:
Lily Kays
Banner Chair:
Jullian Leffler
Stephanie Foresman
Community Service Chair:
Elizabeth Baker
Continuous Recruitment Chair:
Bayley Corder
Cultural Chair:
Kendal Furtado
Dance/ Airband/ Lip Sync Chair:
Emma Montecalvo
Formal Chair:
Caitlyn Goldstein
Freshman Risk Representative:
Jocelyn Torres
Fundraising Chair:
Kaitlyn Russell
Victoria Rivera
Homecoming/ Greek Week Chair:
Kendall Alligood
Intramural Chair:
Kendall Alligood
Junior Panhellenic Delegate:
Alex Tidswell​
Junior Risk Representative:
Lindsay Harrington
KROM (Keep Recruiting Our Members):
Hallie Hnatek
Merchandise Chair:
Maggie Wyatt
Bayley Corder
Parents Club Chair:
Kristina Schmoler
PACE (Promoting Alpha Chi Everyday) Chair:
Publications Chair:
Abigail Catone
Recognition Chair:
Bri Tieber
Recording Secretary:
Abby Boushee
Relay for Life Chair:
Kendra Martin
Resource Chair:
Delaney Burns
Senior Risk Representative:
Lindsay Sanders
Sisterhood Retreat Chair:
Abby Boushee
Sisterhood Chair:
Frazier Patterson
Social Chair:
Elina Spradlin
Social Media Chair:
Kate Henderson
Song Chair:
Cyn Colon
Sophomore Risk Representative:
Hallie Hnatek
Sponsorship Chair:
Kaitlyn Russell
Website Chair:
Marley Reynolds